The Pasta of Trolls

One day Mrs. Flag..elbap, went to buy some pasta from china-town. Because they totally sell that there. "Two Pastas please." she called, the man threw a box of pasta to her, and she threw the card back, and he carded it, and threw it back like a boomarang. "This pasta is gonna be good, honey!" she said to her newborn. "mmmm, good!" she said, without even trying it, she put it into her mouth, and it began to move in one straight line, squiggling then like a jump rope, it flew its way down her throat and into her body, she became possesed by the pervert pasta, and Flagelbap decided it was a curse batch of pasta. Her eyes became a black glowing, dripping liquid in her eyes, but it didn't run out. The pasta possesing Flag, looked at its new form. "HAHAHAHAHAH!" a deep deformed voice from her body. The Pasta got a kitchen knife, and cut through the house, and killed flags husband, and threw the knife at a neighbor gardening, Flagel decided it was enough, so she tried to push the being out of her, up down anythin
g was good, as long as it got out. The Pasta said "AHAHHAHAH!!" "I AM A TROLL!" "YOU CANT STOP ME." the troll ate some more pasta from the box, feeding the trolls needs. "MFM M FMMFMFMFMF" the troll choked its body, and through up the pasta, the pasta squiggled down under earth and the house exploded.